November 26, 2019
PAR Systems is proud to be a part of the recent testing and developments of the NuDecom consortium of companies that are leading the development a quicker, more cost effective and safer end to end nuclear decommissioning solution. The NuDecom consortium of companies is led by Nuvia, joined by PAR Systems and these other nuclear leading companies, UKEAE, University of Manchester, University of Bristol, Hutech, Imitec, RACE, and Clicks + Links.
A video recently published by Nuvia tells the story of its latest testing and development of the NuDecom project. The goal is that the technologies and tools tested in this project’s research and development will provide a solution that will reduce human exposure to the nuclear hazards involved with traditional decommissioning efforts. PAR Systems is proud to host our Lillyhall, UK facility for the final testing that is shown in this video and to aid in leading the advancement of innovation in nuclear decommissioning.
Through the NuDecom project testing, NUVIA has been able to prove fully remotely decommission a nuclear facility and can achieve this three times cheaper than baseline remote decommissioning. This effort is also helping to advance a patent pending solution to nuclear decommissioning solution. The NuDecom aim is to remove humans from the hazard and toward this type of solution that will employ robotic nuclear decommissioning solutions for Sellafield and other nuclear sites across the world.
Watch the video on YouTube to learn more!